Monday, August 29, 2011


K, so a few sights in Manila. There's a shopping centre over the road from our apartment building. It's called Powerplant Mall of all things?!? So I was exploring it for a bit today and discovered a set of restaurants outside.

It was sweltering hot, but it was such a lovely walk. We don't get to do that in ZA unfortunately.

Most of Manila looks like this.

This was one of the most exciting parts for me! I was like a 2 year old when I saw it. These are the jeepnees. They are old world war two jeeps that have been expanded into limo size and then decorated up.

The cable connections are incredible here. How on earth do technicians make sense of all of these?

And of course, it was amazing to find KFC in Manila :-) Brad reckons it doesn't taste anything like KFC that we know.

And this is us outside the Manila airport. We had to walk out the airport, over a road, down a ramp to a designated pick up area where you stand according to first letter of your surname so your pick up can find you easier. Interesting way of doing things.

So much more to tell but it's already after 12am in the morning...eisssshhhhh.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Singapore Airport


Wow, so here are some sights from Singapore airport. Unashamedly I have to admit I was like a two year old. There are just the most ingenious and crazy things there. Definitely a must see airport!!!

The koi were the size of mini tuna just about!?!

And I just don't know any other airport that has a tropical jungle in the middle of it! THe singaporeans know how to kit a place out!


This was just totally incredible! A little electric buggy with a tow hitch to pull the long lines of mini luggage carts. Totally amazing. Just wish I'd got it on video.

And of course, here are the mini luggage carts. The were totally funky. I got mine to pop a wheely :-)

Brilliant start to a wonderful adventure.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some motoring memories...sniff, sniff.

Wow, so both the sillver bullet and the silver chorrie are sold :-( I'm quite nostalgic.

So obviously some motoring memories are in order I think!

Here's the silver engine...totally reliable...brilliant little car!

This is the Roodepoort Botanical gardens waterfall. It was the silver bullet of course that took us on this adventure.

And how could I possibly forget when we drove up to Loftus to go watch die Blou Bulle play!!! Totally amazing experience! Except my team lost :-( To the sharks!!??!!

All of us drove up in the silver bullet...listening to yes you guessed it, Afrikaanse Treffers :-) Sorry guys, I had to be honest about that

The silver chorrie took us on honeymoon. Driving through the Karoo in summer heat without air con was not funny!lol. The building is where we stayed, a lovely pace called De Erf. Stunning! And the car was packed to the roof with all my stuff. Wow, it was quite something to see.

Some more views on the drive to EL in the bullet.

Below is the bulls just about to score a try. Can't remember if they made it or not. But clearly I didn't realise how much I was yelling for my team...eeck!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


So the packing has begun with a vengence. Wow, the 80/20 principle certainly applies! Easy to start, not easy to finish! Got a fair amount to get through when we're back in JHB. Anybody keen to take over our packing?!?

And I totally decided that Nelly has to come to Manila with us :-) I know the piano case looks like a crate, but it'll get Nelly there safely!