Sunday, January 8, 2012

Manila Hotel and Manila Cathedral.

So I know this post is supposed to be about Manila hotel and Cathedral, but I just had to post this as a warning to tall people, that you need to watch out for low ceilings etc. in this part of the world :-) This was at one of the most upmarket shopping centres in Manila.

 Yesterday we went sight seeing with a colleague of Brad's (Teri). We went to Greenhills for a little shopping and then we went to Manila Hotel for lunch. The food was great and then of course, I got adventurous and asked if we could see some of the rooms. The only rooms available to look at were the executive rooms. The view from the 15th floor over the bay was just fantastic!!!

Sunset View

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Celebration

In the interest of keeping the blog updates, I thought I would post a quick one to let you know what we did on old year's eve.

The plans were made pretty late in the day, but a bunch of friends popped over for a little meal.  This was a meal with a difference, as all ingredients basically arrived at the house, hands got to work in the kitchen and a brilliant spread appeared on the counter, all in the time it took the guys to chill at the pool (I chilled at the pool, and not in it.  The pool water really is cold here).