Friday, November 18, 2011

Diving in the Philippines

We are so excited! We are now qualified PADI divers. Awesome!!!

Our instructor was wonderful and really taught us well. Karin Timmel. 

We've been to Batangas for a few dive trips already, all of them wonderful. I'll name the various dive sites below for those who are interested in diving. For those of you who aren't into diving, I hope you'll skip the writing and just enjoy the underwater pics.

This was our first open water dive. It was at the house reef of Bambu Villa and Resort. As a spot for completing your qualifying dives it was lovely, but I would definitely recommend Dive & Trek's house reef across the bay as another great dive site to do your first few dives. More to come on this dive site later.

The photo below is where we did a few more of our qualifying dives. This is us in the 'classroom' at Dive & Trek's house reef. There is a wonderful sandy spot where you can start off your dives at the D&T House Reef. The abundance of smaller fish is incredible! And we were fortunate enough to be allowed to feed the fish our second dive trip there.

So here are some of the fish that literally swarm you in the 'classroom' at D&T's house reef. It's wonderful to just chill on the bottom and watch the fish, some of them fairly sizeable, swirling around you.

I think this picture was taken at Dive & Trek's house reef off the wall.

Same dive site as above, and of course I would wave at the camera :-) With the mask on it's hard to tell who is who.

I wonder what my hairdresser would think of the This was the same dive site.

One thing I have to say about Dive & Trek is that the staff are incredibly helpful. I wasn't really allowed to carry my own gear down to the water at all. They would obviously have let me do that if I wanted to, but I was enjoying not having to cart the gear to the pier.

This is one of my favourite photo's. At D&T - and in fact all over anilao's dive sites - you will find crosses such as these. I can't help thinking of psalm 139:7-10 whenever I see these underwater:
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there. If I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.

The fish decided it wanted to be famous too :-) I just can't get tired of seeing all the fish swimming around you. It's incredible to see all the different kinds there are. God is truly incredible - to think up all those different 'designs'!

Another shot, but I'm not sure which dive site this was.

I think this was at Kerbis Rock. Not sure though. Again, the underwater hair styles are just fantastic! lol

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