Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Miami and Beyond

P1010287OK, well, this blogging thing is proving to be more time consuming than initially anticipated.  Our busy travel schedule has not allowed for much time to blog.  From the Key West adventure, we drove to Miami.  The hostel there was really great.  There was a vibe there that was not at any of the other hostels.  Ves and I spent the evening relaxing (we went for a nice drive along South Beach, but could not muster up the energy to go out dancing).  The next day, we checked out of the hostel and returned the rental car.  The hostel staff were kind enough to allow us to leave our bags there, and come back in the evening for a shower before catching the Greyhound to Orlando.  We definitely needed the shower, as we spent the entire afternoon tanning and chilling on South Beach.  It was rad.

P1010289The Grehound trip to Orlando was definitely an experience and a half.  The staff at Greyhound in Miami must be amongst the most unfriendly people that I have ever met.  They did not listen to questions properly, would provide the incorrect information etc.  They shouted orders as if we were prisoners being transported around.  Greyhound would do well to send their staff on a people skills 101 course.  Anyhow, the bus adventure ended early in the morning, with our host family (we call them family as they are now our American adopted parents) fetching us at the bus stop. 

Orlando has been amazing.  We have gone theme park crazy, kicking it off with Seaworld where we watched every show, fed dolphins and spent ages with our hands in the dolphin pool waiting for the chance to touch the dolphins as they passed.  It was definitely an incredible experience, touching and feeding such a beautiful creature.  The other animals were incredible too, just showing how creative a God we serve.  Below are some shots from there.

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OK, with all the above, Seaworld was an incredible experience.  It is not possible to describe the feeling of a dolphins skin, or the incredible performances that the animals put on.  Truly amazing.

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