Sunday, March 30, 2008

Some Catch Up

P1010609OK, so we left Orlando a couple of days ago, and are about to leave Andrews for New York.  Because of the limited internet connectivity (and the fact that I have had no desire to sit and type on a computer when surrounded by such beauty), I am doing a quick catch up post, with some detail of what we have been up to in Andrews.

P1010658 We have been staying with the pastoral family (Jeff and Donna Maynard) of Marble Springs Church (  We have had a blast.  Rural America (North Carolina) is beyond description.  It is absolutely beautiful.  The mountain air, views and friendly people made for a wonderful stay (unfortunately short).  Day 1 was chilled, with us taking a slow drive around with Jeff and his son, Stephen.  Really pretty areas.

Day 2, we hit the slopes.  That's right.  We got here 4 days before the slopes were closed for spring.  There was only enough snow/ice on the main slopes to go down, with stopping being very difficult (think it is easier to stop when there is more snow on the ground than when it is just ice on top of sand).  Ms Pilepic tried ski'n and snowboarding (much more time was spent Ski'n).  It was a good day.  The snowboarding left both of us a little wet, as we were wearing jeans and not ski pants.

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The boarders.  We look like pro's, don't we? The ski ppls.

OK, the day after the ski trip, we got our goodies together and headed out for a long, but awesome drive with Jeff, Donna and Stephen.  We headed to Jeff's old house and his old "hood".  All I can say is that it was amazing.  Words cannot describe, so I am just including a bunch of pictures.

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Anyhow, we are still having a ball of a time.  I am sure Vesna will type up some more details when we get to New York.  At the moment, she has been practicing with the worship group for the evening service.  It is a worship and prayer revival service, so there wont be any preaching. 

Anyhow, better be off. 

Brad and Ves

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