Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Universal Studio's

Well, Universal Studios, theme park number 3.  Another totally different experience.  The wonder of Disney was not there, but the park layout, decorations and design were incredible.  We went to the park mainly to for the roller coasters (being the most roller coaster filled park that we could find in the area).  The rides Rocked.  Yes, Vesna insisted we do some of the kiddies rides, which worked out ok, as they prep'd us for the monster ride.  This must have been the most exciting roller coaster that I have been on.  Picture this, 2 rollercoasts starting at the same time, along side each other.  As you climb the first ramp before the ride starts, you shout battle chants to those on the other coaster.  You dip over the top of the coaster and you are off, on a coaster duel.  The two coasters weave in between one another, head straight for each other before diverting at the last minute, adrenaline flows thick, and screams... well, screams are a plenty.  Vesna, although a little nervous before the first ride, has learnt the art of the coaster rider.  That is, she relaxes completely, and does not scream (although she does seem to scream when the ride ends, and give a Woohoo).  Some pics are below.

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